Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Want A Garmin

It's true, I really do. I can't afford one right now (what with raising a zoo full of children and trying to put myself through school while surviving solely on the hubby's income), but I read The Secret. And The Secret says that you are not supposed to worry about how to afford things, you are only supposed to put your request out there to The Universe and believe with all your heart that the object of your desire is on its way to you. SO! I thought perhaps The Universe would appreciate my request in writing! And, Universe, I would like this one because it has a heart rate monitor built in and it's also priced pretty reasonably.

I hope the Powers That Be are listening, because this watch sure would come in handy before I start marathon training!


  1. I have one and I LOVE IT!! I couldnt afford one either, but thankfully my father in law had one given to him and he never uses it, so he passed it on to me. Actually, my mother in law gave it to me...Im not even sure dad even knew he had it, hehe!

  2. I just got one for Christmas. I havent been able to use it outside yet because it is so dang cold here. But the heartrate monitor is giving me issues and I dont seem to be able to use it when running inside??? Anyway, I am a stay at home mom and I know what you are saying about trying to stay afloat on one income. We have really had to reprioritize financially!! Hang in there!

  3. I have that one and it is SOOOO worth it!!! My running got 100% better and more productive when I got it!

  4. Wow that looks awesome! I know you will get it soon, and thats no secret ;)

  5. Hope the universe is listening to you and not working hard on my 'lottery' request! ;-) I really want a Body Bug or Body Fit thingy to track my total calories all the time-there are some great ones on eBay-might they have your Garmin? And no I do not work for eBay, but they should hire me with as much as I buy off them...

    Polar's Mom

  6. I hope the universe is paying attention and you get one soon!! :)

  7. Award for you on my page...

    Polar's Mom

  8. Hi Jennifer

    I just started following you and I love your blog. Please join my weight loss blog and lets support eachother!

    Awesome job on your success!
    See you soon,


  9. Jennifer - go on Amazon, you can get one for a steal. Around $125 bucks for the 305.
